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EMAC 2022 Regional Conference

The paradox of sharing: Investigating the effect of scarcity in experiential stores on interpersonal and electronic word-of-mouth

Published: December 1, 2022


Denise Pape, University of Goettingen, Chair of Marketing and Retail Management; Waldemar Toporowski, University of Goettingen


Experiential stores represent a promising way to emotionally connect consumers to a brand and thus achieve long-term goals, especially Word-of-Mouth (WoM). Past research has already found that the lifecycle of an experiential store is closely linked to its perceived novelty. Nonetheless, perceived novelty has been overlooked as a defining dimension of consumer interest towards experiential stores. Our findings show how the integration of scarce products can reignite the novelty factor of an experiential store and promote positive WoM behaviours. Furthermore, we include need for uniqueness as a relevant personality factor in the context of experiential stores and uncover a communication dilemma in terms of WoM behaviours - while electronic WoM increases, interpersonal WoM decreases.